Thứ Hai ngày 10 tháng 3 năm 2025

My MVP activities in 2016-2017


Here are my Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) activities from April 2016 to end of March 2017:

During 2016-2017, I have kept on my blog (, and my media ( I also have kept on my accounts in Facebook ( and Twitter (@phphuoc). My Facebook page has over 11.000 readers (friends and followers). My blog has so far over 8 millions viewing readers in the world.
+ My blogs are where I share the knowledge of IT, including the Office and other Microsoft products for the Vietnamese community at home and abroad.

+ I am also the admin and chief editor of online technological newspapers and my blog where I have published many articles on Microsoft Office

+ Now I’m continuing to improve the blog focus all things of Microsoft Office/ Office 365 for Vietnamese users in the world. “Office cho người Việt” (Office for Vietnamese) blog has URL It’s place where sharing informations, experience, skills and tips of Microsoft Office.

+ My articles are distributed to the community through a variety of channels including media, blog, Facebook, …

+ Besides, I also sharing and discussed about things related to Microsoft Office with many people on phone, email,… and at private meetings and coffees. I always advise everyone buy to use Microsoft Office and Microsoft’s other products. I always service community with status and spirit of a MVP.

+ I continue to maintain my role in the Vietnamese ICT community as a longtime and leading ICT expert. Thanks to that, I can do even better as an MVP.
+ I am a longtime media partner for Microsoft Vietnam, promoting activities and products of Microsoft in Vietnam and for Vietnamese consumers, including Microsoft Office. You can refer to the officials of Microsoft Vietnam about this (as [email protected]).

+ My plan in 2017 is working with some friends to build a Fanpage of Microsoft Office on Facebook.


+ I joined and won the MVP Awards from 2007 to 2016 (so far 10 years with 10 awards).

+ I sincerely thank all of you, my readers and my benefactors who have accepted me and have been with me for the past few years, helping me fulfill my self-determination mission and be also my life’s dream of sharing technology knowledge for the community. Thank you Microsoft for always helping me.

Here are my articles of Microsoft Office 2016/Office 365 among many my articles about Microsoft’s activities in Vietnam from April 2016 to end of March 2017

1. Hội thảo Kiến tạo Không gian làm việc hiện đại nhờ đám mây Microsoft
Workshop Modern Workplace with Microsoft Cloud (29 Mar 2017)

The important role of Microsoft Office 365 in helping organizations and workers get ready for the transition to a modern workplace. A viable solution in creating modern workspaces in the technology and Internet era is Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, specifically Office 365. Office 365 is also a working space that having a conversation, designed to empower workgroups, bringing together people, contents, and tools that the team needs to collaborate more effectively.


2. Lao động tại Việt Nam chưa thấy mình được trao quyền để nắm bắt thời đại kỹ thuật số

Workers in Vietnam have not yet found themselves empowered to grasp the digital age (29 Mar 2017)

The important role of Microsoft Office 365 in helping employees capture the digital age. Microsoft Office 365, the cloud productivity platform, has served more than 85 million commercial users monthly, the broadest set of tools and the foundation for innovation, communication and collaboration.


3. Microsoft và FPT hợp tác chiến lược triển khai dịch vụ đám mây

Microsoft and FPT collaborate to deploying cloud services (21 Jan 2017)

Microsoft và Tập đoàn FPT của Việt Nam đã ký kết Thỏa thuận hợp tác chiến lược liên quan đến chuyển đổi công nghệ số, cụ thể là về việc triển khai công nghệ điện toán đám mây (cloud). FPT sẽ cùng Microsoft đẩy mạnh phát triển thị phần mảng Cloud (bao gồm Office 365 và Microsoft Azure) để chuyển đổi số cho khách hàng tại Việt Nam và các nước khác. Trước đó, FPT ở Nhật Bản chuyển đổi Notes lên Office 365 cho Calsonic Kansei (hãng sản xuất phụ tùng ô tô hàng đầu thế giới) được Microsoft Nhật Bản lựa chọn làm dự án điển hình (case study) trong mảng công nghệ đám mây của hãng.

Microsoft and FPT Corporation of Vietnam have signed a strategic cooperation agreement involving digital transformation, specifically on the deployment of cloud computing technology. FPT will jointly develop the cloud segment (including Office 365 and Microsoft Azure) to transform to digital for customers in Vietnam and other countries. Previously, FPT in Japan converted Notes to Office 365 for Calsonic Kansei, the world’s leading auto parts maker, to be selected by Microsoft Japan as a case study for cloud computing.


4. Giải pháp của Microsoft cho nhu cầu về tiếp thị và truyền thông trong kỷ nguyên kỹ thuật số

Microsoft’s solution for marketing and communications needs in the digital age (9 Dec 2016)

Microsoft Vietnam held a seminar on “Marketing and Media in the New Era, Why Microsoft?” in Ha Noi, sharing the vision of modern marketing and communication towards digital convergence in the media sector. Speaking about the Microsoft Office 365 suite, cloud productivity tool platform, Andrew Pickup shared: “Towards a goal through technology, empowering every one and every organization more effectively, the Office suite familiar with more than 1.2 billion people on the planet still do well it role in this need. Based on the user-friendly experience of Office, cloud-based Office 365 inherits and continues to be a universal platform for users to create, communicate and collaborate more easily, in any style of modern society.”


5. Triển khai phổ cập khoa học máy tính theo phương pháp tiếp cận sáng tạo của Microsoft

Implementing universally computer science with Microsoft’s innovative approach method (13 Nov 2017)

The project “Enhancing Information Technology Skills for Young People to Integrating and Developing” sponsored by Microsoft Vietnam is an initiative aimed at universalisation of computer science and information technology, especially for ethnic minority students living in remote and difficult access areas. Throughout the project’s document, students got acquainted with Windows operating systems, modern applications on the cloud computing platform such as the Office 365.


6. Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo cùng Microsoft Việt Nam tập huấn Chương trình Tin học ứng dụng và Khoa học máy tính

The Ministry of Education and Training and Microsoft Vietnam train the Computer Science and Applied Computer Science Program (5 Nov 2016)

Training about the project “Enhancing Information Technology Skills for Young People to Integrating and Developing”. The project that sponsored by Microsoft Vietnam is an initiative aimed at universalisation of computer science and information technology, especially for ethnic minority students living in remote and difficult access areas. Throughout the project’s document, students got acquainted with Windows operating systems, modern applications on the cloud computing platform such as the Office 365.


7. Microsoft ra mắt dịch vụ Microsoft Teams tạo không gian làm việc nhóm mới trong Office 365

Microsoft launches Microsoft Teams service to create a new team workspace in Office 365 (4 Nov 2016)

Microsoft on November 2, 2016 launched the Microsoft Teams service. This is a new dialog workspace that enhances collaboration efficiency in the suite of office services Microsoft Office 365. The cloud productivity platform has served more than 85 million business users monthly. The purpose of Microsoft Teams is to bring together people, every conversation, content, and tools that the team needs to collaborate.


8. Microsoft công bố các phát minh công nghệ mở ra những cơ hội mới cho đối tác

Microsoft unveils technological innovations that open up new opportunities for partners (14 July 2016)

Today businesses are experiencing disruptions in performance due to the increase in mobile devices, the explosion of data, the workforce, and the threats to data security. Therefore, Microsoft’s partners will have the opportunity to guide their customers to transform to digital. And the partners will be more effective than ever when they go with Microsoft Office 365.


9. 6 Đại sứ Microsoft Office Việt Nam tham dự vòng chung kết MOSWC 2016 tại Mỹ

6 Microsoft Office Vietnam Ambassadors to attend the MOSWC 2016 final in the United States (23 Jun 2016)

Known as an annual contest on the skills of using office applications in Microsoft Office worldwide, the MOSWC 2016 has been helping students in the world to access and to contribute to standardize office IT skills in accordance with international standards. Highly functional cloud services or software from Microsoft Office or Office 365 will make it easier to work with documents, calculations, and presentations. All the features and advantages of the Microsoft Office suite will help reduce the time, increase the creativity of the user.


10. Microsoft từ bao cấp chuyển sang đổi mới

Microsoft from the subsidy shifted to innovation (29 Apr 2016)

An article that introduces the community to the transition to survival and development of Microsoft, from a software developer to a hardware manufacturer and a provider of computer and Internet services in leading in the world.


11. Con đường sản phẩm của Microsoft

Microsoft product’s the road (29 Apr 2016)

Series of articles of my visit to the Microsoft Redmond Campus in April 2016 for global journalists who be Microsoft’s long-time media partners. As for me, I also attended as a longtime MVP.


12. Bạn được lợi gì khi gia hạn bộ Microsoft Office 365?

What benefit do you have when renew your license of Microsoft Office 365 suite? (10 May 2016)

Talk about the benefits that Vietnames users can get when they renewing their Microsoft Office 365. Guiding them how to renew it.



PHAM HONG PHUOC | Journalist, Blogger, Facebooker, Founder and Chief Editor
Media Online and Sieu Thi So (DigiMart) e-Magazine
The media sharing technoligical informations for Vietnamese in the world