Thứ Hai ngày 10 tháng 2 năm 2025

Một bài báo buồn cho người Việt trên báo Singapore

Nhật báo The Straits Times của Singapore ngày 4-4-2019 đăng một bài viết với cái tít: “Người Singapore bị cưỡng hiếp tại Việt Nam bởi người quản lý nhà nghỉ”

Một phụ nữ Singapore 30 tuổi đi sang Việt Nam du lịch với một người bạn gái và thuê một căn phòng đôi tại một nhà nghỉ ở Phan Thiết. Vào khoảng 1 giờ sáng ngày 1-4-2019, trong khi đang say rượu trong phòng, người phụ nữ đó đã bị tay quản lý nhà nghỉ 26 tuổi vào phòng tấn công tình dục và cưỡng hiểp. Sáng đó, nạn nhân đã bắt taxi tới đồn công an trình báo.

Tay quản lý là con trai của chủ nhà nghỉ đã bị công an tạm giữ. Hắn thừa nhận mình có quan hệ tình dục nhưng phủ nhận mình cưỡng hiếp mà nói rằng đã được người phụ nữ kia đồng thuận, thậm chí đã được cô ấy chủ động chào mời.

Trong khi đó nạn nhân nói mình lúc đó đang say rượu, không hề có chuyện đồng tình. Báo Singapore cho biết công an điều tra đã tìm thấy trên thân thể người phụ nữ những dấu vết của một vụ tấn công tình dục và bằng chứng của một cuộc vật lộn.

Thôi, tóm tắt tới đây thôi, tôi quá chán và quá nản để đưa tin thêm nữa. Có bản tiếng Anh gốc, bạn nào cần thêm thông tin, xin đọc ạ.


Singaporean allegedly raped in Vietnam by guesthouse manager

The guesthouse in Vietnam where the alleged rape took place.PHOTO: SCREENGRAB FROM INTERNET

Published 7 hours ago

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David Sun

SINGAPORE (THE NEW PAPER) – A Singaporean woman was allegedly raped while holidaying in Vietnam over the weekend.

The woman, who was identified only by her initials by the local authorities, was said to have been sexually assaulted by the manager of a guesthouse on Monday morning (April 1) while she was drunk in her room.

Vietnamese news portal Viet Bao Daily News Online reported on Monday that the 30-year-old woman was on holiday there with a female friend.

They had arrived in Phan Thiet, a coastal city in Vietnam’s southern province of Binh Thuan, on Sunday afternoon, and they stayed together in a double room at a guesthouse.

The city is a four-hour drive from Ho Chi Minh City and is a popular tourist spot known for its harbour, outdoor markets and seafood restaurants.

The two women had reportedly checked in and asked the 26-year-old Vietnamese manager for recommendations on places to get fresh seafood for dinner.

The trio left the guesthouse together that evening and went for dinner and drinks.

It is unclear what time they returned to the guesthouse.

But it was reported that at about 1am local time (2am Singapore time), the manager entered the room and allegedly raped the woman.

It was not revealed where her friend was at the time.

A spokesman for the guesthouse told Vietnamese media the women had initially made a booking for two nights, but left early on  Monday morning in a taxi headed for the police station.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Duc Dung, deputy head of the Public Security Department of Binh Thuan, told Viet Bao that the woman has lodged a police report.

He said the manager, who is the son of the owner of the guesthouse, is in police custody and has denied the rape allegation.

The suspect admitted to having sex with the woman but claimed it was consensual and that she initially made advances towards him.

But the woman reportedly told police she was drunk at the time and was unable to give consent.


Investigating officers also found her body bore signs of sexual assault and evidence of a struggle.

Lt-Col Nguyen said the authorities are awaiting the results of tests on forensic evidence taken from the scene.

Attempts by The New Paper to contact the guesthouse have been unsuccessful.

Its Facebook page has also been taken down.

A check showed it has a four out of five review rating on most travel websites.

A double room at the guesthouse was listed for $16 a night.

TNP understands the woman is in contact with the Singapore authorities and has requested privacy.

The punishment for rape in Vietnam is a minimum of two years’ jail. Depending on the seriousness of the assault, those convicted can also face the death penalty.