Thứ Hai ngày 10 tháng 2 năm 2025

Động đất Nepal qua những hình ảnh


Các hãng tin quốc tế ngày 28-4-2015 loan tin: Bộ Nội vụ Nepal cho biết số người chết vì trận động đất mạnh 7.9 độ Richter sáng 25-4-2015 tại Thung lũng Kathmandu đã lên tới 4.352 người và hơn 8.000 người bị thương. Con số thương vong chắc chắn sẽ còn tiếp tục tăng lên. Thủ tướng Sushil Koirala nói rằng số người chết có thể lên tới 10.000 người. Đó là những con số không hề nhỏ đối với đất nước Nam Á Himalaya chỉ có gần 28 triệu dân này. Đây là trận động đất mạnh nhất và gây nhiều chết chóc nhất ở Nepal trong vòng 81 năm nay.

Liên hiệp quốc cho biết có hơn 1,4 triệu người đang cần tiếp tế lương thực, trong đó có 750.000 người sống gần vùng tâm chấn. Hàng vạn người đã trở thành kẻ vô gia cư.

Những hình ảnh này được công bố trên các trang thông tin thời sự quốc tế ngày 28-4-2015. (Nguồn ảnh: Internet. Thank)

People sleep on the ground in an open area on early morning after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal April 28, 2015. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi      TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Người dân sống sót ngủ ngoài trời vì sợ những cơn dư chấn. Ảnh chụp sáng 28-4-2015. (People sleep on the ground in an open area on early morning after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal April 28, 2015. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)

An Indian Air Force person walks carrying a Nepalese child, wounded in Saturday’s earthquake, to a waiting ambulance as the mother rushes to join after they were evacuated from a remote area at the airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal's earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster.  (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

Lính không quân Ấn Độ đang ẵm một đứa bé bị thương vì động đất. Ảnh chụp ngày 27-4-2015. (An Indian Air Force person walks carrying a Nepalese child, wounded in Saturday’s earthquake, to a waiting ambulance as the mother rushes to join after they were evacuated from a remote area at the airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal’s earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

A child injured in Saturday’s earthquake, is carried by a Nepalese soldier after being evacuated as they wait to disembark from an Indian Air Force helicopter at the airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal's earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

Một đứa trẻ bị thương đang được lính Nepal chăm sóc. Ảnh chụp ngày 27-4-2015. (A child injured in Saturday’s earthquake, is carried by a Nepalese soldier after being evacuated as they wait to disembark from an Indian Air Force helicopter at the airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal’s earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

A Nepalese woman sits inside in a tent with her child as people stay on open ground from fears of earthquake tremors in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A Nepalese woman sits inside in a tent with her child as people stay on open ground from fears of earthquake tremors in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

This  aerial photo provided by Shreejan Bhandari, shows the historical Dharahara Tower, a city landmark, destroyed by Saturday's earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (Shreejan Bhandari via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT

Khu vực Tháp Dharahara cao 60 mét đã bị sụp đổ tại Kathmandu. Ảnh chụp ngày 27-4-2015. (This aerial photo provided by Shreejan Bhandari, shows the historical Dharahara Tower, a city landmark, destroyed by Saturday’s earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (Shreejan Bhandari via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT


Tháp Dharahara cao 60 mét xây dựng hồi thế kỷ 19 trước và sau trận động đất.

Nepalese soldiers carry a wounded woman to a waiting Indian air force helicopter as they evacuate victims of Saturday’s earthquake from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal's earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster.  (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

Binh lính Nepal đang tiếp cứu nạn nhân ngày 27-4-2015. (Nepalese soldiers carry a wounded woman to a waiting Indian air force helicopter as they evacuate victims of Saturday’s earthquake from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal’s earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

A rescue chopper prepares to land, carrying people from higher camps to Everest Base Camp, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. An avalanche on Saturday, set off by the massive earthquake that struck Nepal, left more than a dozen people dead and dozens more injured. (AP Photo/Nima Namgyal Sherpa)

Trực thăng giải cứu những người leo núi mắc kẹt tại Trại Nền trên núi Everest ngày 27-4-2015. (A rescue chopper prepares to land, carrying people from higher camps to Everest Base Camp, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. An avalanche on Saturday, set off by the massive earthquake that struck Nepal, left more than a dozen people dead and dozens more injured. (AP Photo/Nima Namgyal Sherpa)

A Nepalese man carries his belongings from earthquake debris in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A Nepalese man carries his belongings from earthquake debris in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A rescue team with a sniffer dog walks at the site of destruction caused by Saturday’s earthquake in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A rescue team with a sniffer dog walks at the site of destruction caused by Saturday’s earthquake in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Members of Germany's NGO organistation International Search and Rescue (ISAR- Germany) arrive to board their flight to Nepal via Delhi, at Frankfurt airport April 26, 2015. Some seven rescue dogs, 51 doctors, medics and logistical experts are flying to Nepal on Sunday, a day after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest.  REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay

Lực lượng cứu hộ Đức đang lên máy bay tại sân bay Frankfurt (Đức) ngày 26-4-2015. Họ bay qua Ấn Độ rồi sau đó mới sang Nepal. (Members of Germany’s NGO organistation International Search and Rescue (ISAR- Germany) arrive to board their flight to Nepal via Delhi, at Frankfurt airport April 26, 2015. Some seven rescue dogs, 51 doctors, medics and logistical experts are flying to Nepal on Sunday, a day after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay

Portraits and a wall clock is seen hanging on the remains of a house damaged in Saturday's earthquake in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Portraits and a wall clock is seen hanging on the remains of a house damaged in Saturday’s earthquake in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Nepalese residents gather in an open space at the site of destruction caused after Saturday's earthquake in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Nepalese residents gather in an open space at the site of destruction caused after Saturday’s earthquake in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Nepalese residents carry belongings from their destroyed homes as they walk through debris of Saturday's earthquake, in Bhaktapur on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Nepalese residents carry belongings from their destroyed homes as they walk through debris of Saturday’s earthquake, in Bhaktapur on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

An injured boy sleeps on the ground outside the overcrowded Dhading hospital, in the aftermath of Saturday's earthquake, in Dhading Besi, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha       TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Một cậu bé bị thương đang nằm ngủ trên mặt đất bên ngoài bệnh viện tại Dhading Besi bị quá tải ngày 27-4-2015. (An injured boy sleeps on the ground outside the overcrowded Dhading hospital, in the aftermath of Saturday’s earthquake, in Dhading Besi, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)

KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 27:  Residents line up for food in an evacuation area set up by the authorities in Tundhikel park on April 27, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving over 3000 dead and many more trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors.  (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Những nạn nhân xếp hàng chờ nhận lương thực cứu trợ ngày 27-4-2015. (KATHMANDU, NEPAL – APRIL 27: Residents line up for food in an evacuation area set up by the authorities in Tundhikel park on April 27, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving over 3000 dead and many more trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Members of the Nepalese army walk through a damaged area caused by Saturday's earthquake, in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Members of the Nepalese army walk through a damaged area caused by Saturday’s earthquake, in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Military personnel and volunteers carry an injured woman into Dhading hospital, in the aftermath of Saturday's earthquake, in Dhading Besi, Nepal April 27, 2015.  REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha

Military personnel and volunteers carry an injured woman into Dhading hospital, in the aftermath of Saturday’s earthquake, in Dhading Besi, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha

KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 27:  Volunteers and emergency workers search for bodies buried under the debris of one of the temples at Basantapur Durbar Square on April 27, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving over 2 thousand dead and many more trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors.  (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

KATHMANDU, NEPAL – APRIL 27: Volunteers and emergency workers search for bodies buried under the debris of one of the temples at Basantapur Durbar Square on April 27, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving over 2 thousand dead and many more trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Rescue teams carry a body dug out of the collapsed Sitapyla church in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley on Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings. (AP Photo/Wally Santana)

Rescue teams carry a body dug out of the collapsed Sitapyla church in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley on Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings. (AP Photo/Wally Santana)

A Hindu Nepalese woman offers prayers at Indrayani temple, that was damaged in Saturday’s earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

A Hindu Nepalese woman offers prayers at Indrayani temple, that was damaged in Saturday’s earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

Rescue teams' members identify bodies dug out of the collapsed Sitapyla church in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley on Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings. (AP Photo/Wally Santana)

Rescue teams’ members identify bodies dug out of the collapsed Sitapyla church in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley on Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings. (AP Photo/Wally Santana)

Nepalese victims of Saturday’s earthquake lie inside an Indian air force helicopter as they are evacuated from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal's earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster.  (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

Nepalese victims of Saturday’s earthquake lie inside an Indian air force helicopter as they are evacuated from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal’s earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

EDS NOTE GRAPHIC CONTENT - Members of Nepalese army rescue a dead body from inside a building that collapsed in Saturday’s earthquake, in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Thi thể một người đàn ông đang được kéo ra khỏi đống đổ nát. (EDS NOTE GRAPHIC CONTENT – Members of Nepalese army rescue a dead body from inside a building that collapsed in Saturday’s earthquake, in Bhaktapur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A member of Nepalese police personnel tries to clear the rubble with his hands while looking for survivors at the compound of a collapsed temple, in the aftermath of Saturday's earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui

A member of Nepalese police personnel tries to clear the rubble with his hands while looking for survivors at the compound of a collapsed temple, in the aftermath of Saturday’s earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui

A Nepalese girl injured in Saturday’s earthquake holds the hand of her mother inside an Indian air force helicopter as they are evacuated from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal's earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster.  (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

A Nepalese girl injured in Saturday’s earthquake holds the hand of her mother inside an Indian air force helicopter as they are evacuated from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal’s earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

U.S. citizen Michael Churton, 38, from New York, who was injured during an avalanche resulting from Saturday’s earthquake at the base camp of the mount Everest, arrives at the domestic airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. Saturday's magnitude 7.8 earthquake spread horror from Kathmandu to small villages and to the slopes of Mount Everest, triggering an avalanche that buried part of the base camp packed with foreign climbers preparing to make their summit attempts. (AP Photo / Manish Swarup)

U.S. citizen Michael Churton, 38, from New York, who was injured during an avalanche resulting from Saturday’s earthquake at the base camp of the mount Everest, arrives at the domestic airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. Saturday’s magnitude 7.8 earthquake spread horror from Kathmandu to small villages and to the slopes of Mount Everest, triggering an avalanche that buried part of the base camp packed with foreign climbers preparing to make their summit attempts. (AP Photo / Manish Swarup)

Nepalese soldiers carry a wounded man on a makeshift stretcher to a waiting Indian air force helicopter as they evacuate victims of Saturday’s earthquake from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal's earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster.  (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

Nepalese soldiers carry a wounded man on a makeshift stretcher to a waiting Indian air force helicopter as they evacuate victims of Saturday’s earthquake from Trishuli Bazar to Kathmandu airport in Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. The death toll from Nepal’s earthquake is expected to rise depended largely on the condition of vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

Abhishek Tamang, 4, looks on after receiving medical treatment, following Saturday's earthquake, at Dhading hospital, in Dhading Besi, Nepal April 27, 2015.  REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha

Abhishek Tamang, 4, looks on after receiving medical treatment, following Saturday’s earthquake, at Dhading hospital, in Dhading Besi, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha

A coat and a framed portrait are seen hanging on a cracked wall of a damaged house after an earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

A coat and a framed portrait are seen hanging on a cracked wall of a damaged house after an earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

A man sits on the rubble of his damaged house following Saturday's earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

A man sits on the rubble of his damaged house following Saturday’s earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

Nepalese police personnel look on as an excavator is used to dig through rubble to search for bodies following Saturday's earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui

Nepalese police personnel look on as an excavator is used to dig through rubble to search for bodies following Saturday’s earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui

A Nepalese army soldier loses his balance while descending from a mound of rubble during the recovery of a body from a house, in the aftermath of Saturday's earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

A Nepalese army soldier loses his balance while descending from a mound of rubble during the recovery of a body from a house, in the aftermath of Saturday’s earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

A member of Nepalese police personnel looks on as an excavator is used to dig through rubble to search for bodies, in the aftermath of Saturday's earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui

A member of Nepalese police personnel looks on as an excavator is used to dig through rubble to search for bodies, in the aftermath of Saturday’s earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui

A member of the Nepalese army walks through a damaged area caused by Saturday's earthquake, in Bhaktapur on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A member of the Nepalese army walks through a damaged area caused by Saturday’s earthquake, in Bhaktapur on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving tens of thousands shell-shocked and sleeping in streets. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A woman mourns her granddaughter, who died in Saturday's earthquake, in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar

A woman mourns her granddaughter, who died in Saturday’s earthquake, in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 27, 2015. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar

A woman cries as her father's body is prepared for cremation along a river, following Saturday's earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 27, 2015. The man died during the 7.9 magnitude earthquake that hit the country on Saturday.    REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui      TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

A woman cries as her father’s body is prepared for cremation along a river, following Saturday’s earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 27, 2015. The man died during the 7.9 magnitude earthquake that hit the country on Saturday. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Un anciano nepalí reza junto a un edificio dañado (no fotografiado)en el terremoto que sacudió el país el sábado, en Katmandú, Nepal, el 27 de abril de 2015. (Foto AP/Bernat Armangue)

Un anciano nepalí reza junto a un edificio dañado (no fotografiado)en el terremoto que sacudió el país el sábado, en Katmandú, Nepal, el 27 de abril de 2015. (Foto AP/Bernat Armangue)

In this Sunday, April 26, 2015 photo, a person critically injured in an avalanche is carried on a stretcher to be evacuated out of Everest Base Camp, Nepal. An avalanche on Saturday, set off by the massive earthquake that struck Nepal, left more than a dozen people dead and dozens more injured. (AP Photo/Nima Namgyal Sherpa)

In this Sunday, April 26, 2015 photo, a person critically injured in an avalanche is carried on a stretcher to be evacuated out of Everest Base Camp, Nepal. An avalanche on Saturday, set off by the massive earthquake that struck Nepal, left more than a dozen people dead and dozens more injured. (AP Photo/Nima Namgyal Sherpa)

A dead body of a woman is seen after rescue workers recovered it from debris following Saturday's earthquake in Bhaktapur near Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. A strong earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A dead body of a woman is seen after rescue workers recovered it from debris following Saturday’s earthquake in Bhaktapur near Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. A strong earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

People gather on an open space for security reasons at Basantapur Durbar Square, damaged in Saturday’s earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. The earthquake centered outside Kathmandu, the capital, was the worst to hit the South Asian nation in over 80 years. It destroyed swaths of the oldest neighborhoods of Kathmandu, and was strong enough to be felt all across parts of India, Bangladesh, China's region of Tibet and Pakistan. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

People gather on an open space for security reasons at Basantapur Durbar Square, damaged in Saturday’s earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. The earthquake centered outside Kathmandu, the capital, was the worst to hit the South Asian nation in over 80 years. It destroyed swaths of the oldest neighborhoods of Kathmandu, and was strong enough to be felt all across parts of India, Bangladesh, China’s region of Tibet and Pakistan. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

People search for family members trapped inside collapsed houses a day after an earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 26, 2015. A shallow earthquake measuring 7.9 magnitude struck west of the ancient Nepali capital of Kathmandu on Saturday, killing more than 100 people, injuring hundreds and leaving a pall over the valley, doctors and witnesses said. (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

People search for family members trapped inside collapsed houses a day after an earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 26, 2015. A shallow earthquake measuring 7.9 magnitude struck west of the ancient Nepali capital of Kathmandu on Saturday, killing more than 100 people, injuring hundreds and leaving a pall over the valley, doctors and witnesses said. (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

A relative of one of the victims of the earthquake that hit Nepal yesterday cries on April 26, 2015 in Bhaktapur, Nepal. (Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A relative of one of the victims of the earthquake that hit Nepal yesterday cries on April 26, 2015 in Bhaktapur, Nepal. (Omar Havana/Getty Images)

People cremate the bodies of the victims of an earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu valley, killing at least 1,900, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

Hỏa táng thi thể những người chết. (People cremate the bodies of the victims of an earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu valley, killing at least 1,900, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

A Nepalese man cries as he walks through the earthquake debris in Bhaktapur, near Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. A strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A Nepalese man cries as he walks through the earthquake debris in Bhaktapur, near Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. A strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

An injured woman cries after hearing news of a family member who died during an earthquake at a trauma center in Kathmandu, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)

An injured woman cries after hearing news of a family member who died during an earthquake at a trauma center in Kathmandu, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)

A family carry their belongings as they rush for safety during a strong aftershock after an earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)

A family carry their belongings as they rush for safety during a strong aftershock after an earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)

Sniffer dog handler Susanna Martin-Schmitt of Germany's NGO organistation International Search and Rescue (ISAR- Germany) prepares her dog 'Porthos' to board their flight to Nepal from Frankfurt airport April 26, 2015. Some seven rescue dogs and 51 doctors, medics and logistical experts are flying to Nepal on Sunday, a day after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay)

Sniffer dog handler Susanna Martin-Schmitt of Germany’s NGO organistation International Search and Rescue (ISAR- Germany) prepares her dog ‘Porthos’ to board their flight to Nepal from Frankfurt airport April 26, 2015. Some seven rescue dogs and 51 doctors, medics and logistical experts are flying to Nepal on Sunday, a day after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay)

A school group photograph of a Nepali child lies amid the debris of a house that collapsed in Saturday's earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. The earthquake centered outside Kathmandu, the capital, was the worst to hit the South Asian nation in over 80 years. It destroyed swaths of the oldest neighborhoods of Kathmandu, and was strong enough to be felt all across parts of India, Bangladesh, China's region of Tibet and Pakistan. (AP Photo / Manish Swarup)

A school group photograph of a Nepali child lies amid the debris of a house that collapsed in Saturday’s earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. The earthquake centered outside Kathmandu, the capital, was the worst to hit the South Asian nation in over 80 years. It destroyed swaths of the oldest neighborhoods of Kathmandu, and was strong enough to be felt all across parts of India, Bangladesh, China’s region of Tibet and Pakistan. (AP Photo / Manish Swarup)

A Nepalese man mourns as he sits near the debris after an earthquake in Bhaktapur near Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. A strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A Nepalese man mourns as he sits near the debris after an earthquake in Bhaktapur near Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. A strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A Hindu man breaks down during a funeral of Saturday’s earthquake victims on the Pashupatinath bank of Bagmati river, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015.  The earthquake centered outside Kathmandu, the capital, was the worst to hit the South Asian nation in over 80 years. It destroyed swaths of the oldest neighborhoods of Kathmandu, and was strong enough to be felt all across parts of India, Bangladesh, China's region of Tibet and Pakistan.(AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

Khu vực hỏa táng những người chết. (A Hindu man breaks down during a funeral of Saturday’s earthquake victims on the Pashupatinath bank of Bagmati river, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. The earthquake centered outside Kathmandu, the capital, was the worst to hit the South Asian nation in over 80 years. It destroyed swaths of the oldest neighborhoods of Kathmandu, and was strong enough to be felt all across parts of India, Bangladesh, China’s region of Tibet and Pakistan.(AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

A Nepalese army personnel stands in front of a collapsed temple a day after an earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu valley, killing at least 1,900, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest.  REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar

A Nepalese army personnel stands in front of a collapsed temple a day after an earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu valley, killing at least 1,900, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar

Rescue workers remove debris as they search for victims of earthquake in Bhaktapur near Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Rescue workers remove debris as they search for victims of earthquake in Bhaktapur near Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Identification numbers are seen next to dead bodies after an earthquake struck, outside a hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)

Identification numbers are seen next to dead bodies after an earthquake struck, outside a hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)

India's National Disaster Response Force personnel look for survivors in a building, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. Sleeping in the streets and shell-shocked, Nepalese cremated the dead and dug through rubble for the missing Sunday, a day after a massive Himalayan earthquake devastated the region and destroyed homes and infrastructure. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)

India’s National Disaster Response Force personnel look for survivors in a building, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. Sleeping in the streets and shell-shocked, Nepalese cremated the dead and dug through rubble for the missing Sunday, a day after a massive Himalayan earthquake devastated the region and destroyed homes and infrastructure. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)

A woman holds the hand of a deceased relative who died during an earthquake outside a hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)

A woman holds the hand of a deceased relative who died during an earthquake outside a hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu Valley, killing more than 2,200 people, and triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)

A man runs down a street covered in debris after buildings collapsed on April 26, 2015 in Bhaktapur, Nepal. (Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A man runs down a street covered in debris after buildings collapsed on April 26, 2015 in Bhaktapur, Nepal. (Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Two men help clear debris after buildings collapsed on April 26, 2015 in Bhaktapur, Nepal. (Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Two men help clear debris after buildings collapsed on April 26, 2015 in Bhaktapur, Nepal. (Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A man climbs on top of debris after buildings collapsed on April 26, 2015 in Bhaktapur, Nepal. (Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A man climbs on top of debris after buildings collapsed on April 26, 2015 in Bhaktapur, Nepal. (Omar Havana/Getty Images)

People survey a site damaged by an earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 25, 2015. The shallow earthquake measuring 7.9 magnitude struck west of the ancient Nepali capital of Kathmandu on Saturday, killing more than 100 people, injuring hundreds and leaving a pall over the valley, doctors and witnesses said.  (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

People survey a site damaged by an earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 25, 2015. The shallow earthquake measuring 7.9 magnitude struck west of the ancient Nepali capital of Kathmandu on Saturday, killing more than 100 people, injuring hundreds and leaving a pall over the valley, doctors and witnesses said. (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

Rescue workers search for bodies as a stretcher is kept ready after an earthquake hit, in Kathmandu, Nepal April 25, 2015. The powerful earthquake struck Nepal and sent tremors through northern India on Saturday, killing hundreds of people, toppling an historic 19th-century tower in the capital Kathmandu and touching off a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

Rescue workers search for bodies as a stretcher is kept ready after an earthquake hit, in Kathmandu, Nepal April 25, 2015. The powerful earthquake struck Nepal and sent tremors through northern India on Saturday, killing hundreds of people, toppling an historic 19th-century tower in the capital Kathmandu and touching off a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A young man speaks on the phone in front of a collapsed building in the city center following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A young man speaks on the phone in front of a collapsed building in the city center following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A body of a victim lies trapped in the debris after an earthquake hit, in Kathmandu, Nepal April 25, 2015. The shallow earthquake measuring 7.9 magnitude struck west of the ancient Nepali capital of Kathmandu on Saturday, killing more than 100 people, injuring hundreds and leaving a pall over the valley, doctors and witnesses said. (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

A body of a victim lies trapped in the debris after an earthquake hit, in Kathmandu, Nepal April 25, 2015. The shallow earthquake measuring 7.9 magnitude struck west of the ancient Nepali capital of Kathmandu on Saturday, killing more than 100 people, injuring hundreds and leaving a pall over the valley, doctors and witnesses said. (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

An army patrol walks in the city center looking at the damage following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

An army patrol walks in the city center looking at the damage following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

People stand on top of debris from a collapsed building at Basantapur Durbar Square watching the destruction following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

People stand on top of debris from a collapsed building at Basantapur Durbar Square watching the destruction following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A taxi is buried under debris from a collapsed building in Thamel following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A taxi is buried under debris from a collapsed building in Thamel following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A young man speaks on the phone in front of a collapsed temple in the city center following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

A young man speaks on the phone in front of a collapsed temple in the city center following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Volunteers carry the body of a victim on a stretcher, recovered from the debris of a building that collapsed after an earthquake  in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Volunteers carry the body of a victim on a stretcher, recovered from the debris of a building that collapsed after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Rescuers look for victims under a building that collapsed after an earthquake  in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Rescuers look for victims under a building that collapsed after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

An  man walks past damage caused by an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

An man walks past damage caused by an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, a collapsed building is seen in Nepal's capital Kathmandu Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (Zhou Shengping/Xinhua via AP) NO SALES

In this photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, a collapsed building is seen in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (Zhou Shengping/Xinhua via AP) NO SALES

A crane removes debris from the site of a building that collapsed in an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

A crane removes debris from the site of a building that collapsed in an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

People stand around damage caused by an earthquake at Durbar Square in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

People stand around damage caused by an earthquake at Durbar Square in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Volunteers carry an injured boy after rescuing him from the debris of a building that was damaged in an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Volunteers carry an injured boy after rescuing him from the debris of a building that was damaged in an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

A car stands under the weight of an electric pole after it collapsed following an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. A magnitude-6.6 aftershock hit about an hour later, and smaller aftershocks continued to ripple through the region for hours. (AP Photo/Tashi Sherpa)

A car stands under the weight of an electric pole after it collapsed following an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. A magnitude-6.6 aftershock hit about an hour later, and smaller aftershocks continued to ripple through the region for hours. (AP Photo/Tashi Sherpa)

An injured man receives treatment outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

An injured man receives treatment outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Nepalese people huddle together outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Nepalese people huddle together outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Rescuers clear the debris at Durbar Sqaure after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Rescuers clear the debris at Durbar Sqaure after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

A group of people gather outdoors on a street as an earthquake hits Kathmandu city, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

A group of people gather outdoors on a street as an earthquake hits Kathmandu city, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

A woman cries as her son remains trapped in the debris of a building that collapsed in an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Người mẹ này đang khóc vật vã khi con trai vẫn bị kẹt dưới đống đổ nát. (A woman cries as her son remains trapped in the debris of a building that collapsed in an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Debris lie at Durbar Square after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Debris lie at Durbar Square after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

People gather in an intersection near a damaged building in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Tashi Sherpa)

People gather in an intersection near a damaged building in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Tashi Sherpa)

An injured child lies on the ground outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

An injured child lies on the ground outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

A group of people gather outdoors as an earthquake hits Kathmandu city, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

A group of people gather outdoors as an earthquake hits Kathmandu city, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

In this photo provided by Guna Raj Luitel, people walk next to ruble after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A powerful earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, collapsing houses, leveling centuries-old temples and cutting open roads in the worst temblor in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. (Guna Raj Luitel via AP)

In this photo provided by Guna Raj Luitel, people walk next to ruble after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A powerful earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, collapsing houses, leveling centuries-old temples and cutting open roads in the worst temblor in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. (Guna Raj Luitel via AP)

People walk past damage caused by an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

People walk past damage caused by an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, a collapsed building is seen in Nepal's capital Kathmandu Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (Zhou Shengping/Xinhua via AP) NO SALES

In this photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, a collapsed building is seen in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (Zhou Shengping/Xinhua via AP) NO SALES

In this photo provided by Guna Raj Luitel, an injured woman is carried just after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A powerful earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, collapsing houses, leveling centuries-old temples and cutting open roads in the worst temblor in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. (Guna Raj Luitel via AP)

In this photo provided by Guna Raj Luitel, an injured woman is carried just after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A powerful earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, collapsing houses, leveling centuries-old temples and cutting open roads in the worst temblor in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. (Guna Raj Luitel via AP)

Patients wait at the parking lot of Norvic International Hospital after an earthquake hit Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A powerful, magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, collapsing houses, leveling centuries-old temples and cutting open roads in the worst temblor in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. (AP Photo/Binaj Gurubacharya)

Patients wait at the parking lot of Norvic International Hospital after an earthquake hit Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A powerful, magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, collapsing houses, leveling centuries-old temples and cutting open roads in the worst temblor in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. (AP Photo/Binaj Gurubacharya)

Injured people receive treatment outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Injured people receive treatment outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Volunteers carry the body of a victim on a stretcher, recovered from the debris of a building that collapsed after an earthquake  in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

Volunteers carry the body of a victim on a stretcher, recovered from the debris of a building that collapsed after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)